The Blanton National Leadership Board is the backbone of philanthropic support for the museum, with Board members personally supporting all areas of the Blanton. They further demonstrate their commitment to the museum through fundraising and advocacy.

The Board is instrumental in maintaining the museum’s commitment to excellence and building the museum’s profile nationally and internationally. Our Board members are leaders in the arts, business, and philanthropy, and include UT alumni. They reside in Austin and cities across the country.

Aubrey Epstein, Chair | Austin, Texas
Elle Moody, Vice Chair | Austin, Texas

Janet and Wilson Allen | Austin, Texas
Malú Alvarez | Austin, Texas
Kelli and Eddy Blanton | Houston, Texas
Leslie and Jack Blanton, Jr. | Houston, Texas
Suzanne Deal Booth | Austin, Texas
Sarah and Ernest Butler | Austin, Texas
Michael Chesser | Austin, Texas
Alessandra Manning-Dolnier and Kurt Dolnier | Watertown, Connecticut
Tamara and Charles Dorrance | Austin, Texas
Sally and Tom Dunning | Dallas, Texas
Aubrey and Bobby Epstein | Austin, Texas
Dolores García and Gilberto Cárdenas | Austin, TX
Anthony Grant | Rye, New York
Caroline and Brian Haley | Austin, Texas
Stacy and Joel Hock | Austin, Texas
Katya Jestin and Kit Roane | New York, New York
Peter Kahng (New York, New York), Choongja (Maria) and Stephen Kahng (Austin, Texas)
Clayton and Andrew Maebius | Austin, Texas
Suzanne McFayden | Austin, Texas
Donald Moffett | New York, New York
Elle Moody | Austin, Texas
Lora Reynolds | Austin, Texas
Richard Shiff | Austin, Texas
Judy and Charles Tate | Houston, Texas
Marilynn and Carl Thoma | Chicago, Illinois