
Blanton Museum of Art

We’re on Vine!

Unless you’re under 25, or firmly entrenched in millennial culture, you probably haven’t heard of the social media platform Vine. Founded in 2012 and acquired by Twitter shortly before its launch, this network’s claim to fame is short—and we’re talking extremely short, like, 6 seconds short. Vine posts are (6 second) video clips that are […]

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The Varied Fortunes of a Princely Bible

Opening Saturday, December 12 at the Blanton, The Crusader Bible: A Gothic Masterpiece features over forty unbound pages from the one of the most celebrated French illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages. We asked Curatorial Research Associate Jeongho Park to explain the impressive journey of the Crusader Bible throughout the centuries.  Medieval knights on horseback charge from

The Varied Fortunes of a Princely Bible More

Behind the Blanton: Stephanie Ruse, Collections and Exhibitions Assistant

Stephanie Ruse is the Collections and Exhibitions Assistant at the Blanton. In our latest installment of Behind the Blanton, a series where we profile different Blanton staff members, we sat down with Stephanie to learn a little bit about what she does here at the museum. What does a typical workday look like for you? Stephanie: As

Behind the Blanton: Stephanie Ruse, Collections and Exhibitions Assistant More

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