
Blanton Museum

Your mixtape is a masterpiece, and we want to hear it.

The year was 1995. Gas was $1.09 a gallon. OJ was found innocent. A broken laser pointer was the first item that sold for $14.83 on a brand new site called eBay. Pedro Martínez pitched a perfect game (kind of). Kid ‘n Play broke up. Microsoft released Windows 95, and people camped out in lines to get copies, for

Your mixtape is a masterpiece, and we want to hear it. More

We’re on Vine!

Unless you’re under 25, or firmly entrenched in millennial culture, you probably haven’t heard of the social media platform Vine. Founded in 2012 and acquired by Twitter shortly before its launch, this network’s claim to fame is short—and we’re talking extremely short, like, 6 seconds short. Vine posts are (6 second) video clips that are

We’re on Vine! More

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