Drawing by Charles White, titled "General Moses and Sojourner Truth", depicting two famed African American women who fought for equality

Wonder Women: 5 Prints and Drawings of Powerful Women

Wonder Women: 5 Prints and Drawings of Powerful Women October 11, 2018 by Bixie Mathieu Back to Blog When we think about artworks featuring women as central characters, we might consider renowned works such as Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol, and Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli.  There is, however, a vast array of artworks containing wondrous

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Wangechi Mutu, The End of eating Everything (video still). Strange figure with a womans face and flowing snake like hair, in front of her are a swarm of birds

Five Fantastic Musician & Artist Collaborations

Five Fantastic Musician & Artist Collaborations September 11, 2018 by Lizabel Stella Back to Blog The partnership between artist and musician is always a fascinating relationship to observe, especially when the results become iconic album covers, astounding museum exhibitions, and monumental musical performances. In celebration of the opening of Wangechi Mutu’s The End of eating Everything featuring singer/producer

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