Vincent Valdez: The City
(July 17, 2018 – October 18, 2018)
CHAPTER 8: Press
Press Release
Blanton Museum to Exhibit ‘Vincent Valdez: The City’
Press Images
Available upon request
Press Coverage of ‘The City’ at the Blanton
- ¡Ahora Sí!, Pintura monumental de Vincent Valdez reta la historia racial del país
- Artnet News, Artist Vincent Valdez Made a Painting So Provocative This Texas Museum Waited a Year to Unveil It. Now It’s a National Sensation.
- Arts + Culture Texas, Contemporary History: Vincent Valdez’s ‘The City’ at the Blanton Museum of Art
- Artsy, Texas Museum Mounts 30-foot Painting of Today’s KKK. Can It Avoid Controversy?
- Austin American Statesman, Large-Scale Painting of Klan Members Unveiled at UT
- Austin American Statesman, Opinion: Klan Painting May Not Shock. But It Forces a Reckoning
- The Chronicle of Higher Education, Two Museums Wanted to Spark Dialogue with Controversial Art. They’re Handling That Very Carefully
- The Guardian, How a Painting of the Ku Klux Klan is Causing a Stir in Texas
- Hyperallergic, Texas Museum Deliberates How to Display a Mural About Hate Crimes Against Latinos
- KUT, New Piece by Texas Artist Vincent Valdez Depicts a Modern Ku Klux Klan
- The New York Times, 30-Foot Painting of the KKK Puts a Museum to the Test
- Sightlines, A Haunting Call to Action, and to History: Vincent Valdez’s ‘The City’
- Texas Monthly, Vincent Valdez, The People’s Champion