Mexico: multiple modernities
CHAPTER 3: The graphic art renaissance
Mexico had a strong printmaking tradition which enjoyed a renaissance during the post-revolutionary period. Woodcuts, linocuts, and lithographs provided an affordable platform to experiment with avant-garde forms, disseminate political ideas at home and abroad, and work in cooperative ways. Several influential printmaking groups emerged in Mexico in the 1930s and 1940s, including ¡30-30! and the Taller de Gráfica Popular [People’s Graphic Workshop]. Mexican artists inspired the development of graphic art elsewhere, including in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the United States––in the context of the Chicano movement.
Image credit:
José Chávez Morado
La conspiración [Conspiracy], from the portfolio Vida nocturna de la ciudad de México [Mexico City’s Nightlife], 1936 (detail)
The Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin
University purchase, 1966; Transfer from the Harry Ransom Center, 1982