Mexico: multiple modernities
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Several groups of artists with diverse interests co-existed in Mexico City from the 1920s to the 1950s, contributing to create a vibrant and complex art scene. The leading artists came of age during Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) and pursued an art of political commitment through mural painting and graphic arts. Women had also come into their own during the Revolution, not only transforming traditional gender roles, but also making a significant contribution to the visual arts. A group of female European expatriates with links to Surrealism further solidified the creative role of women in Mexican society.
Image credit:
José Chávez Morado
La conspiración [Conspiracy], from the portfolio Vida nocturna de la ciudad de México [Mexico City’s Nightlife], 1936 (detail)
The Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin
University purchase, 1966; Transfer from the Harry Ransom Center, 1982